вторник, 30 июня 2009 г.

We learnt a lof from him

Из Ф. Малика "Managing. Performing. Living.":

What is also important to me are those people of whom their subordinates and colleagues say, often years after they have left the organization, "We learnt a lof from him". It does not matter if they also add: "He was difficult; it was not easy to work with him; he could be a bastard..." as long as they qualify it by saying "... but we learnt a lot from him...". When I hear such statements about someone, I know this person probably provided an example of good management.

Цените тех, от кого многому можно научиться в профессиональном смысле, кто выше вас на голову, даже если этот кто-то есть самый вредный тип, которого вы знаете.

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